Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt
Aplil 18, 2025
10am - 2pm

Over the past month, dozens of reports have surfaced about a SNEAKY FOX trying to steal all the Easter Bunny’s Eggs! So far, the good boys & girls of Toronto have thwarted the Fox’s daring attempts to steal the delicious Easter Eggs and scared him away by photographing him! But an inside source has revealed that THE SNEAKY FOX will be stealing baskets of Easter Eggs from a dozen locations in the Beaches on March 29th!
The Easter Bunny needs YOU and your TEAM of detectives to decipher the clues left behind by The Fox, find all of the baskets of eggs and stop him before it’s too late!
The Beaches Easter Scavenger Hunt will take you and your Team to a dozen locations across The Beaches, where you will need to decipher clues that will guide you to a specific location, find The Fox who will be lurking nearby trying to steal the Easter Egg Baskets & take a picture of him! And finally answer a skill testing question about The Beaches before solving your next clue and moving on to save the next Basket of Eggs!
PLEASE HELP! You’re the Easter Bunny’s only hope!
On this walking tour, participants will need to decipher clues that will lead them to a dozen locations in the Beaches. Once, the participant has found the location, they will need to "check-in" using a geo-location feature of the app and then they will need find a hidden decal of The Fox trying to steal the Easter Egg Basket (which will contain a unique QR Code) and take a picture of it. The Fox never lets anyone take his picture, he always turns tail and runs away. Taking his picture will cause him to flee and save the Easter Eggs. Once those tasks have been completed, participants will need to answer a skill testing question about the Beaches before moving on to solve the next clue, which will lead them to their next stop on the walking tour. This event is a great way for people to get outdoor and enjoy a walking tour of the Beaches.
Tasks include:
Check-in inside a designated geo-fenced area
Scanning the QR code in each hidden decal of The Fox trying to steal the Easter Egg Basket
Uploading pictures or videos of members of your team completing funny tasks
Answering Beach trivia multiple choice questions
Completing all the Tasks will unlock a message to lead your team to a hidden location to meet the Easter Bunny and maybe even receive an Easter treat! All successful participants will receive a special treat from the Easter Bunny at the final location!
Important Info
Beaches Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt can be completed March 29 anytime between 10am – 2pm
The total route is approximately 3km long and takes approximately 90mInutes to complete walking. The route can be walked, biked or driven.
Teams can be as big or as small as you like
$25 + HST and processing fees per Team/Family
Frequently Asked Questions
All persons participating in the Beaches Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt, do so at their own risk. No liability for loss, injury or damage to any person, property or vehicle will be assumed by Toronto Beaches Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt, the City of Toronto or the events affiliated partners, sponsors, staff or volunteers. ​